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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap risk taking siswa kelas VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah di Kota Bekasi terhadap pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik survey. Data diperoleh dengan memberikan angket sebanyak 20 butir pernyataan yang indikatornya meliputi hati-hati dalam bertindak, memiliki ketenangan dalam berpikir, tegas dalam membuat keputusan dan ajeg dalam bertindak. Responden sebanyak 97 siswa diambil dengan teknik random dari dua Madrasah Tsanawiyah. Instrumen penelitian diadopsi dari DOSPERT yang dikembangkan oleh Weber, Blais, & Betz, (2002), yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan siswa kelas VII MTs. Sikap risk taking adalah bagian dari sikap tanggungjawab siswa pada pembelajaran matematika, baik saat persiapan, proses maupun sesudah pembelajaran matematika. Sikap risk taking ini penting untuk diketahui agar dapat dilatih secara kontinu. Karena sikap risk taking yang terlatih akan membuat siswa berhasil dalam belajar dan bekerja kelak.
Keywords: Attitude. Risk taking. Learning mathematics.
1. The Introduction
The increase in human resources or abbreviated to HR, a series of processes continuously pursued by the Indonesian government. The purpose of this effort is the government doing to realize the complete Indonesian man into a prosperous society, as embodied in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution at paragraph four of which "promote the general welfare" and "national life".
The process of realizing the intelligent and prosperous society requires knowledge, strategy, struggle, and sacrifice. In this case, education is an appropriate container to start "educating" the nation's children from an early age. The world of education has scientists, experts who have a familiar strategy of struggle and want to sacrifice for the sake of improving the quality or the quality of graduates. Individualistic theory (Pip Jones, 2016) states that a smart graduate must have high creativity. People who are smart and creative in the course of his life will be successful /prosperous.
With technology advancing so rapidly, the impact on competition of life is very competitive. Who's winning course will be successful and prosperous, the opposite who is not the superior will, of course, be excluded.
The superior man, of course, is to make a decision taking into account all the risks that would be acceptable. The risks received are more inclined towards a harmful act, but the losses will be minimalized. This attitude is called risk taking.
2. Theoretical Study
2.1 Risk Taking Attitude
As far as researchers concern, no studies are ever conducted related to the risk-taking attitude in mathematics learning. Knowingly or not, the general process of completing math problems always requires risk-taking attitude. Therefore, in defining risk-taking in this study, they adopt it from social studies.
Basically, the human soul is divided into two aspects, namely the ability and aspects of personality. Djaali (2008) classifies aspect of the ability to include learning outcomes, academic achievement, intelligence and talent; whereas the personality aspect includes the character, nature, adjustment, interest, emotion, attitude and motivation. Furthermore, Djaali (2008) stated ability and personality will be revealed through behaviour. Risk taking or attitude to risk that will be examined as part of the attitude of responsibility a person who will be reflected at one’s behaviour.
Meaning of the word risk according to Indonesian Dictionary is "less favourable result," it will be more inclined to hurt and harm. This means that when a person must decide on many options it will not be a fun job. But a choice that requires considerable good or bad, profitable or loss, dangerous or not, that all options are more towards harmful and dangerous. If someone is not ready with the result of his choice or a bad risk, then the impact is he will always feel hesitate in taking the decision. This attitude is detrimental to him as well in addition to the environment. As a common example occurs in someone who has graduated, there are two options that arise in his mind; will go to college or work? If you go to college you must be prepared with considerable cost, the test to be faced, and may be separated from the family in a long time if the lecture is conducted outside the city. If you want to work you should be prepared with the process of applying for a job, chances that you are often rejected than accepted, fees or start-up capital, a small salary with a heavy workload (as inexperienced), and so forth. When you face a choice like this, then the decision must be taken if you want to continue living, of course with all the risks and consequences. You may not continue in doubt because you may not ready to risk or consequences. Someone who is ready to risk will have a secure and successful life than those who continue to hesitate and not ready with his choice because of risks to be faced. Moreover, if the option is going to someone who is a leader in an organization or agency, doubt and delay options will hurt many people who depend on the decision.
The ability to take risks is part of the character or personality. According to Rohana (2015) the process of formation of student character can be described in the following chart:
Figure 1 Character Formation Chart
The character already exists from the time a person is born because it is the nature of the Creator. The character of existing ones should be built and raised through the ability to think. The ability to think will be sharpened if someone is socializing through learning in this case it happened in formal schools. Learning which demands higher thinking skills is the exact subjects, including mathematics. Characters will appear as it is in one's mind. If someone thinks things are good then the characters that appear will be good too, but on the contrary if someone thinks things are not good, it will appear in his characters that are not good anyway.
Decision making (risk-taking) is the most important attitude for an individual (Byrnes, Miller & Schafer, 1999), which will have an impact on someone’s social life. The impact of the decision-making course has been considered not only influence good or bad for the decision-maker, but also for someone’s social relations. It is this factor that sometimes makes a person difficult to take decisions quickly. Many things must be considered before decisive "decisions" are taken. Sometimes because too great risk shall be borne, someone may finally adrift in doubt, even though a lot of people waiting for his decision (usually it is a management decision). Finally, the social life of people is so constrained and uncertain. Not infrequently success was delayed because of doubts or wrong in taking decisions.
This theory about risk taking (Priest, 1993) that people can use their personal competencies to affect the probability of success or failure in life. They will be motivated to choose the level of risk in accordance with their competence and are believed to be in their favor.
Risk Taking or a risk in taking decisions must be built on each individual. Build up the courage to take risks or risk taking should be trained continuously. This should have been done early when children are at the stage where it hurts can understand and are not ill, for example, when they learn to walk. He knew when the initial step will certainly fall, and it feels discomfort but they can bear the risk of falling and the sickness that they are managed to walk. If they are afraid to do it over again, then the process would be obstructed or took longer time to learn. Taking risks could be positive or negative, in accordance with the opinion of Leigh (1999) who states that: Risk-Taking Reviews behaviors that involve; some potential for danger or harm, also while providing an opportunity to Obtain some form of reward. Furthermore, Byrnes, Miller and Schafer (1999); Foersterling (1980); and Leigh (1999) stated the similar thing: risk taking encompasses a broad range of behaviors that fall along both positive and negative dimensions. Risk has two possible behaviors, they could be on the positive side or negative, beneficial or detrimental.
2.2 Correlation between learning mathematics and risk taking
The process of completing math problems starts with having a variety of ideas to solve it and proceed with the settlement. The idea that emerged could always be changing based on prior knowledge. Having convinced all the risks it is with a sense of responsibility and continued with the completion of the formulas or rules in mathematics. When deciding what ideas and formulas that will be used is a risky challenge. To choose or decide, it takes courage.
Furthermore Priest (1993) states that there are five conditions that will challenge people experience when taking a decision which is a blend of risks and competencies, namely: exploration and experimentation (gain minimal risk and competency maximum), adventure (more gain competency of risk), the peak of adventure (equally between competence and risk, or an ideal level), accidents (gained more risky than competence), destruction and disaster (obtaining maximum risk and minimal competence).
The process of learning mathematics, especially when solving math problems, the decision made is a probability, or chance. Opportunity was 50% correct answers, or otherwise 50% obtained a wrong answer. If the decision is already taken into consideration because it is based on observation, experience or knowledge, then what is the answer even though it is wrong it will be readily accepted and ready for reparation. But if not dare to take the risk, then there is no courage to solve mathematical problems by the teacher. Always feel free to start work on a settlement, which ultimately is only visible matter alone and never answered.
Take a decision or risk taking is influenced by the development of "neuroscience" (Casey, Getz, and Galvan, 2008; Steinberg, 2008). What is meant by neuroscience is human behavior from the perspective of the activities that occur in the brain. Where, according to Casey, et al (2008); Steinberg (2008) is the changes in the brain system coincided with the maturation of the reproductive pushing risk taking will be adaptive evolution. The brain plays an important role in behavior. The brain will be trained to the maximum through continuous learning activities and regular. Learned that maximize brain function including the learning of mathematics. Learning math is done continuously and regularly is the learning of mathematics in formal schools. Then build a brave attitude in making decisions (risk taking) should be trained when children start early adolescence (puberty) around the age of 10-18 years to study mathematics at school. Generally, children this age are very brave in risk taking but careless attitude and always full of risk adverse.
In line with previous opinion, the results of research Steinberg describes the risk taking ability of the sample studied between the ages of 10-30 years are described as bends or curves. At the age of adolescence (puberty) around 7-29 years is at the stage of development (using Connors Impulsiveness Scale). Instead Leshem & Glicksohn (2007) states that a significant decline from the age of 14-16 to 20-22 (using Eysenk & Barratt Impulsiveness). Usually at the age of adolescence to early adulthood ahead, making decisions and risk-taking ability is too fast and brave, somewhat ignoring considerations or the impact of the decision. Tend to be careless because of the immaturity of emotion. However, over the emotions and hormones which are more mature at the beginning of adulthood, the risk taking ability of more consideration. Considerations based on understanding, experience of previous observations even an attitude of responsibility. Therefore the risk taking ability of students at secondary school age must be built with the exercises solve problems in mathematics lessons to be better trained, not sloppy and ready to face the risks of the decisions that have been taken. Is the answer or settling on the idea that appears to be incorrect, or if one is ready to be repeated with ideas and other ways. So that will further enhance the students' attitude of responsibility on his duties.
Based on experts’ opinions that have been described, it can be arranged indicator of risk taking in this study, which is described as follows:
Figure 3 Indicators of Risk Taking Chart
3. The Purpose of study
Every research must have a purpose. Similarly, this study, the purpose of this research is to know the attitude of MTS students risk taking, to the learning of mathematics. Other than that the results of this study as information to mathematic teachers, in order to train continuously the attitude of risk taking so that students become individuals who are responsible for all decisions taken with all the risks that have been calculated before. Later the attitude of trained risk taking will lead someone to be more responsible on the tasks. A person who responsible will of course be accepted and successful wherever they will works.
4. Research Methodology
4.1 Participants
The sample in this study is the seventh grade students of four accredited A-Tsanawiyah madrasahs chosen purposively, because they are related to a particular purpose. Purpose with purposive technique, the sample is determined directly by the researchers and the school (principal and math teacher). This is in accordance with the opinion of Nasution (1996), the subject of the study sample is only as a source and can provide information. Samples can be things, events, people, or situations that are observed.
Nasution's opinion is supported by Piaget's cognitive development theory which states that the average 12- to 13-year-old child is even more in the formal operational stage. This age they are still in transition from elementary school to high school. Of course, the most needy period of guidance in any case, including decision-making. During elementary school age they always just imitate and follow the orders of teachers, in Junior High School or MTs. They should have started to be independent. Of course this seventh grade student who is still in transition, has an objective and objective way of thinking to be helpful in this research. Therefore, in order to be in accordance with the purpose of the researcher, the grade 7 students of MTs. Selected as a sample in this study, which is 97 students randomly from four MTs where is located in Bekasi.
4.2 Instruments Test
The instrument used to obtain data in this study used a questionnaire adopted from the DOSPERT risk taking behavior (Domain Specific Risk Taking) tool from Weber (2013). However, it has been adapted to the sample at 12-13 years of age that is still undergoing a transition period, the developmental period (Steinberg) is a change from childhood into adolescence (puberty). Choice of answers is also simplified from 7 to 4 adapted to student’s cognitive abilities. The choice of questionnaire answers that become sample choice are:
ALW = Always, if never abandoned
OFT = Often, if never done once only once
SMT= Sometimes, more do not do
NVR = Never, never done even though once
The research instrument was firstly validated by 3 mathematicians (1 lecturer), 1 evaluation expert, 2 math teachers and 2 Indonesian teachers, and 1 psychologist (psych test institution). The Validation to measure instrument readability, conformity with indicators and aspects of construction.
The test results data obtained from 9 experts are presented in the following table:
Tabel 1
Recapitulation of Test Result Data of Risk Taking Instrument by Expert
Statement Number N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum
Itm 1 9 3.5667 .57228 2.30 4.00
Itm 2 9 3.5889 .37565 2.80 4.00
Itm 3 9 3.6111 .54416 2.30 4.00
Itm 4 9 3.5556 .58119 2.30 4.00
Itm 5 9 3.3589 .52437 2.30 4.00
Itm 6 9 3.7222 .47900 2.80 4.00
Itm 7 9 3.5667 .52202 2.70 4.00
Itm 8 9 3.4111 .78652 1.70 4.00
Itm 9 9 3.5111 .51343 2.70 4.00
Itm 10 9 3.3556 .58333 2.30 4.00
Itm 11 9 3.6111 .48591 3.00 4.00
Itm 12 9 3.4556 .69482 2.00 4.00
Itm 13 9 3.5000 .65955 2.20 4.00
Itm 14 9 3.4111 .51828 2.70 4.00
Itm 15 9 3.6333 .50744 2.70 4.00
Itm 16 9 3.7222 .50442 2.70 4.00
Itm 17 9 3.4556 .54339 2.50 4.00
Itm 18 9 3.6222 .47376 3.00 4.00
Itm 19 9 3.5778 .48161 2.80 4.00
Itm 20 9 3.6111 .62937 2.20 4.00
Furthermore the data is calculated statistically with Friedman test. Statistic calculation with the help of SPSS '17 program and obtained the following results:
Test Statisticsa
N 9
Chi-Square 27.820
Df 19
Asymp. Sig. .087
a. Friedman Test
The Friedman test is used for reasons of scoring used instead of dichotomous scores. Based on the calculation results with the help of SPSS 20 Asymp. Sig. > 0.05, this means Ho: can not be rejected so that all validators have the same opinion about the research instrument (risk taking attitude). So it can be concluded for all risk taking questionnaire instruments can be used.
5. Result of Study
Scoring techniques use a score range of 1-4 (continum data). The reason for not being too extreme in giving an assessment, if using a score of 0 and 1 (dichotomy) then the instrument directly rejected or accepted, while the attitude assessment is not too rigid, especially at the age of transition. A valid questionnaire was given to 97 MTs students and the following data were obtained:
Table 1
Descriptive Statistic of Data (%)
Number item Questionnaire Answer Options (%) Equal
1 25.77 45.36 28.87 0 100
2 27.84 26.80 41.24 4.12 100
3 27.83 22.68 31.96 17.53 100
4 23.71 25.77 28.87 21.65 100
5 34.02 16.49 25.77 23.72 100
6 52.58 25.77 18.56 3.09 100
7 43.30 16.50 25.77 14.43 100
8 21.65 20.62 43.30 14.43 100
9 25.77 35.06 36.08 3.09 100
10 27.83 21.65 28.87 21.65 100
11 52.58 20.62 18.56 8.24 100
12 43.30 20.62 25.77 10.31 100
13 40.22 25.77 8.24 25.77 100
14 25.77 30.93 39.18 7.22 100
15 56.70 18.56 22.68 2.06 100
16 10.31 23.71 25.77 40.21 100
17 13.40 20.62 26.80 39.18 100
18 12.37 21.65 30.93 35.05 100
19 36.08 18.56 22.68 22.68 100
20 22.68 21.65 29.90 25.77 100
Overall average (ÓŻ) 31
24 28 17 100
Based on research data if grouped based on aspects of students "readiness" are presented in the following table:
Table 2
Summary Aspect of Risk Taking of Readiness
Aspects of Risk Taking
Indicator Average Sample Answer Options
Readiness Careful in act
Peace of mind
Overall average 35.88 25.36 25.36 26.81
If described in the form of histogram as follows:
Graph 1
Summary Aspect of Risk Taking of Readiness
The results of research data if grouped based on aspects of students "beliefs" are presented in the following table:
Table 3
Summary Aspect of Risk Taking of Confidence
Aspects of Risk Taking
Indicator Average Sample Answer Options
Confidence Be firm in making decisions
Confident in act
Overall average 52.99 47.21 .60.41 39.39
If described in the form of histogram as follows:
Graph 2
Summary Aspect of Risk Taking of Confidence
Graph 3
Summary Aspect of Risk Taking (Readiness and Confidence)
6. Discussion and Conclusion
6.1 Discussion
After taking into account the data obtained from the research results, the risk taking aspect of "readiness" on careful indicators in the act can be expressed that the 7th grade students of MTs as the sample who chose the option ALW and OFT has reached 59.8%, this means nearly 60% of students already have a cautious attitude when will do actions related to learning mathematics. This careful attitude is shown by the readiness of students in preparing school supplies, doing chores or homework, and other preparations. This attitude of caution is one of the attitudes to reduce errors that will have negative risks (such as the teacher's punishment for negligence or negligence of the teacher's duties).
But still found 40.20% of students who are not or less carefully in action by choosing the option SMT and NVR. Have no readiness in facing learning activities. When studying in the classroom will be borrowed a lot of goods (stationery, even books) from a friend who is ready. If not lent he will interfere with his friend by taking forcibly. Even if not lent he did not learn but chatted aloud. Students like this do not think about the negative risks that will be faced, or even do not care about the negative risks that will be accepted because of negligence. The attitude of students who do not have readiness is what will hinder the teacher in achieving mastery learning which is called the minimum mastery criteria (KKM). And also will disturb other friends who are ready to learn. If not guided by the teacher then he will be a student who fails in math lessons.
Questionnaire on the aspect of "readiness" risk taking for the indicators of peace of mind that choose ALW and OFT obtained 62.68% students have been able to think calmly in learning mathematics. Steps to find information or ask for information on the problems faced have been done. But still must be in further detail whether the steps taken in thinking the solution is correct. There are 37.32% of students who choose SMT and NVR show have not been able to think calmly. Students like this are always hesitant in doing tasks or solving problems assigned by teachers. No attempt to find information or troubleshooting steps. And in the end students who do not have peace of mind do not do the job or cheat the work of friends.
Questionnaire which is the aspect of "confidence" risk taking on the firm indicator in making the decision, students who answered ALW and OFT obtained 43.30%. This means that as many as 43.30% of students have been able to decide what to do with all the consequences.
Decisions they take will not be regretted even if ultimately wrong or get a low score. A sense of self-confidence and independence has arisen in these students. But it still needs to be closely watched and observed further whether the decisions they take arise from themselves or just follow friends. While those who answered SMT and NVR as many as 56.70% of students, it shows still high students who have not been able to decide what will be done. Students like this are always hesitant in deciding what to do, less independent and not confident. Generally students like this will rely on the closest friends. And in the end a student who does not have the courage to decide what to do will only be a imitator, his wrong friend will be wrong, even if he is right. But, he does not understand it.
Questionnaire which is the aspect of risk taking ‘belief’ on the indicator in action, students who answered ALW and OFT obtained 56.90%. This means the students' stance is high, in the settlement step, even if it is different from the work of a friend. This belief that will lead the students to succeed in learning. But it still needs to be closely examined and observed whether the sharpness or steady acting they have considered either bad, or just stubborn and careless attitude.
While the answer SMT and NVR as much as 43.10% of students, it shows still high enough students who are not sure or steady in completing the task in math lessons. Always hesitate and change the results of his work if different from friends. Students like this, will always be vacillated with the environment and circumstances.
6. 2 Conclusion.
From the results of this study can be concluded that, there are many students of grade 7 MTs, who have not been able to determine the steps to minimize the risks received. The risks received tend to be negative. Overall students who chose not ready answers are still higher than those that are often ready and sometimes ready. Differences of students who are always ready with the never ready only 9.07%. Overall it is clear that readiness is compared confidence based on student answers, higher self-confidence. But the already high confidence is not supported by the readiness of the students. So students have difficulty in learning math.
Based on this, teachers and parents should always remind and guide students to be ready for mathematics lessons, beginning to prepare school supplies at night until the time of the teaching and learning process in the classroom.
In addition to the readiness, the aspect of confidence is mainly self-confident and self-confident students of grade 7 MTs. Who answered always despite reaching almost 53% but still lower than the answer sometimes. And the overall difference with the chosen answer is never 21.09%. This shows the attitude of risk taking on the aspect of readiness is higher than the aspect of belief. This means that most students actually already understand and make preparations for facing math lessons tomorrow. However if compared with confidence still lower. So it must be reminded, guided, and supervised by teachers and parents. Not yet independent, still full of doubt in deciding solving math problems.
This risk-taking attitude can be trained with habituation, both at home and at school, with direction, guidance and supervision from teachers and parents. Then the process of building and improving the attitude of risk taking will be more successful. Beginning with parents at home, should regularly remind and supervise the preparation and completeness of their children's schooling at the early age of the school (Play Ground). This habit will make them more independent, more confident tiered next. Parents at home should work with teachers at school. Teachers should regularly train students to be sure of the choice of problem solving math problems, do not hesitate even if different from the work of his friend. And cultivate beliefs never fear being wrong in doing something that is already believed.
These habits will build the character of a young generation who is full of preparation, confident and independent with whatever it does. Never hesitate to decide something, because it is considering good and bad risks to be faced. If they become leaders, they will become confident leaders, not easily affected by incitement and uncertain promises. Very responsible for the task, rights and obligations. This young generation is expected to be the leader of the nation's successor ideals, and who can safeguard and advance the life of the nation.
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